je veux faire un bilan médical

Psycho & health

Our physical health depends not only on biological factors, but is also permanently influenced by our psycho experiences of chronic stress, psychological trauma, interior conflicts, etc.) as well as our behaviour (cf. smoking, emotional eating, lack of rest, etc.).

In particular chronic overload and the associated exhaustion syndromes (burn-out and neurasthenia) can have a negative effect on the nervous and hormonal systems and, consequently, on the cardiovascular, digestive and muscular systems.

This is why the GZ provides a specialised outpatient offer in the form of individual psychological consultations/psychotherapy, psychological training and a burnout clinic (PROTEA).

As part of a preventive medicine approach, our aim is to provide help to prevent the worsening of our service users’ health problems.

Our health psychology support aims to promote psychological resistance (resilience) to strengthen physical health, as well as treating bodily disorders of psychological (i.e. psychosomatic) origin.

Our outpatient services

Our outpatient services includes:

  • Psycho-education and training
  • Individual psychological consultation
  • Individual psychotherapy
  • A burn-out clinic (group program: PROTEA)

Our individual programs are available in Luxembourgish, German, French or English, while our group programs are only available in Luxembourgish or German.

Our psychological services are aimed exclusively at adults (over 18). We do not offer emergency or psychiatric care.

We focus on the following themes:

  • Stress management and relaxation
  • Prevention and support in coping with illness
  • Smoking cessation and treatment of eating disorders
  • Treatment of psychosomatic (somatoform) and non-organic disorders, including pain management

Nos cours actuels

Psychological consultation

Health psychology consultation mainly provides support for people suffering from psychosocial stress, coping with illness (chronic pain or other suffering) or experiencing difficulties and problems with their lifestyle (eating habits, sleep hygiene, etc.). Together with the service user, we analyse the problem to help develop and implement appropriate behavioural strategies to better manage the situation. Depending on the problem, the customer can learn new psychological skills, enabling them to relax more effectively or to manage their stress better, amongst other things.

Psychological counselling is offered:
  • To help cope with psychosocial stress and prevent burnout
  • To help cope with physical illness, chronic pain or other difficult living conditions
  • To develop healthy lifestyle habits (nutrition, rest, etc.)

Together with the service user, we analyse the problem to help develop and implement appropriate behavioural strategies to better manage the situation.

Depending on the problem, the customer can learn new psychological skills, enabling them to relax more effectively or to manage their stress better, amongst other things.

Psychological counselling focuses on solutions and resources.

Depending on needs, progressive relaxation, autogenic training, mindfulness-based techniques and biofeedback training can be used to improve psychophysiological self-regulation.

For more information on the diseases covered by the CNS, please visit www.cns.lu. The services provided by the dietician are only reimbursed by the health insurance scheme, if they are issued on the basis of an original, prior medical prescription.


In addition to psychological consultations and psycho-education, we also offer outpatient psychotherapeutic support for psychopathological disorders. The treatment we offer focuses on disorders accompanied by physical symptoms and illnesses triggered or aggravated by psychological factors, as well as behavioural disorders that are harmful to health. This includes both psychosomatic disorders (i.e. somatoform or somatisation disorders), as well as psychic reactions related to a physical illness (such as depressed mood due to a chronic illness).

We adopt a cognitive-behavioural therapeutic approach, supplemented by hypnotherapy and bio-/neurofeedback therapy, depending on the indication. Generally speaking, the therapy also includes learning self-regulation techniques (behaviour or symptom modification through autogenic training).

For more information on the diseases covered by the CNS, please visit www.cns.lu. The services provided by the dietician are only reimbursed by the health insurance scheme, if they are issued on the basis of an original, prior medical prescription.

Disorders treated:
  • Psychological stress reactions (including depressive reactions)

  • Hypochondria, haematophobia and syringe phobia, panic disorder

  • Non-organic sleep disorders (insomnia, somnambulism, nightmares, bruxism, etc.)

  • Compulsive habits (onychopharia, trichotillomania, etc.)

  • Smoking

  • Emotional exhaustion syndrome and neurasthenia

  • Psychogenic pain (including itching), irritable bowel and overactive bladder, etc.

  • Non-organic sexual dysfunctions

  • Eating disorders (if hospital treatment is not necessary)

The burn-out clinic

PROTEA: Outpatient therapeutic program for emotional exhaustion

PROTEA is an interdisciplinary outpatient burn-out group treatment program.

Participants learn to analyse and improve the factors and habits involved in the development of burn-out.

Therapeutic interventions include psychological measures (therapeutic education on-????, relaxation techniques, etc.) and cognitive-motivational-behavioural psychotherapeutic measures in group and individual settings. This is complemented by regenerative physical activities and advice on eating a balanced, energising diet.

PROTEA is aimed at:

People suffering from professional and/or personal exhaustion, – i.e. moderate or severe burn-out (Z73.0) or neurasthenia (F48.0).

PROTEA is a program based on scientific recommendations combining:

  • An in-depth multi-factorial inpatient medical and psychological diagnosis.
  • Interdisciplinary outpatient care that is compatible with continuing to work part-time.
  • Group coaching (max. 6 participants) over 12 weeks.
  • Costs up to €2,000 covered by CMCM (Prestaplus cover).

PROTEA: the program’s acronym refers to the resilience of the flowering plant of the same name, which survives bush fires.

For further information, please contact us.

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez nous contacter
Devenez acteur de votre santé

S’adressant aux patients, à leur entourage et à toutes les personnes intéressées par les sujets santé, la plateforme “Acteur de ma santé” intervient dans le domaine de l’éducation, de la santé et de l’éducation thérapeutique. Gratuits et accessibles à tous, les contenus sont rédigés par un comité de professionnels de la santé.

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