je veux faire un bilan médical

Medical check-up

Nowadays a complete health check-up is the best way to limit the risk of illness and stay fit and healthy!

The GesondheetsZentrum offers health check-ups at the cutting edge of preventive medicine and early diagnosis to companies that want to preserve the well-being of their employees and to private individuals who want to stay in good health.

Why carry out a check-up?

This internal medical examination focuses on:

Early detection of diseases

Screening tests are used to detect diseases early on, particularly those which, in their initial stages, may show no symptoms or only non-specific symptoms. These include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, kidney disease and certain types of cancer.

Detecting risk factors

The internist examines possible risk factors for different diseases. This includes measuring blood pressure, carrying out blood tests to check cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and assessing other individual risk factors such as smoking, obesity and family history.

Advice on lifestyle changes

Based on the results of the examination, the internist is able to provide recommendations on lifestyle changes. This may include promoting a healthy diet, weight management, smoking cessation and encouraging physical activity.

Who is it for?

The GesondheetsZentrum services are available to anyone who wishes to take charge of his health proactively through a series of consultations, comprehensive health check-ups, disease prevention programs, nutritional advice and sports therapy, along with personalised recommendations for maintaining or improving his general well-being.

You are a company or organisation?

For employers, particularly human resources departments, who are concerned about the health of their employees. Because a company’s health depends on the health of its employees.

Check-up questionnaire

You are a private individual ?

For those who want to maintain good health, being aware of potential risks is key to adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Check-up questionnaire
How does a check-up work?
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The benefits of the GZ check-up
Our assessment is aimed at both private individuals and companies/organisations

Are you a company and would like to offer your employees a general medical check-up?

  • Our centre is dedicated to your medical check-up

    We have a specialist team on hand to assess your health in depth and provide you with personalised recommendations for your long-term well-being.

  • We speak several languages

    To better serve our diverse customer base, ensuring clear and effective communication to meet all your needs.

Check-up questionnaire
Check-up details

In-depth examination of your current state of health, a discussion of your medical history and any specific concerns to inform personalised recommendations.

Laboratory diagnoses

Precise, in-depth laboratory analyses and tests to assess various aspects of your health:

  • Blood tests
  • Urine tests
  • Stool analysis
Medico-technical examinations

Advanced and specialised examinations carried out by our qualified medical team.

  • Measurement of height and weight
  • BMI calculation
  • Electrocardiogram at rest and during exercise
Les bilans complémentaires
Vous voulez faire un check-up complet ?
Complete the questionnaire

Help us better understand your needs so that we can provide you with personalised advice

Make an appointment

Quickly and easily to consult our specialists

Check-up and results

Receive a full, detailed check-up of your state of health and personalised results

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