je veux faire un bilan médical


Our work demands less and less of our physical abilities, while cognitive tasks are on the increase. Every day we are confronted with a multitude of stimuli. It quickly becomes clear that sufficient physical and mental resources are key to surviving in this new working environment.

Recent studies show that these health resources are increasingly compromised: mental stress and insufficient physical activity have been leading to an increase in mental illness and musculoskeletal disorders for years.

In response to this situation, more and more companies are recognising that the health and well-being of their employees is essential to their future competitiveness.

Promoting health in the workplace has many benefits for employers and employees alike. Here are just some of the main benefits.

Benefits of promoting health in the workplace

For employers

  • Reducing absenteeism

    Our medical examinations, that form part of the "health check-up", all take place in one morning, which helps reduce absences for medical consultations.

  • Increased productivity

    Healthy employees are more efficient, which translates into higher productivity and improved business results.

  • Improved company image

    Companies that invest in the health of their employees can improve their brand image and attract new talent. It also increases the loyalty of existing employees, reducing recruitment and training costs.

  • Cost reduction

    By reducing absences and health problems, companies can reduce the direct and indirect costs associated with healthcare, sick pay and lost productivity

For employees

  • Improved general well-being

    In addition to our medical services, we offer a wide range of health promotion initiatives (e.g. advice on healthy eating or sports coaching), such as wellness programs, health training ("Back School" or "Ergonomic Sitting in the Workplace"), relaxation courses and help with stopping smoking. Regular risk assessments help to improve the physical and mental well-being of employees and can prevent the development of illness.

  • Increased satisfaction and commitment

    Employees feel valued and supported when they see that their employer cares about their health. This increases their job satisfaction and their commitment to the company.

  • Developing a culture of prevention

    A strong culture of risk or disease prevention can contribute to a more collaborative working environment. Employees are encouraged to take an active part in risk prevention, which reinforces the sense of collective responsibility and solidarity.

Promoting health in the workplace benefits both employers and employees. It promotes a healthy working environment, improves productivity and employee satisfaction, and reduces the costs associated with health problems and absenteeism.

Musculoskeletal disorders account for around


of sick leave


of employees have been signed off sick at least once


of employees feel they are in good physical and mental health


of companies believe that the health of their employees contributes directly to the company's performance


of employees feel stressed at work

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