Sport coaching - Gesondheetszentrum [access-links]
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Sport coaching

Sport therapy at the Gesondheetszentrum

The negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle on the one hand, and the health benefits of regular physical activity on the other, have already been demonstrated in various ways. Physical activity is an extremely important protective factor, which also ensures the independence and physical and mental fitness of people of all ages, particularly those in poor health and the elderly.

This is what the Gesondheetszentrum aims to support with its sports therapy offer:

  • Sport + Support / Medical training therapy
  • Back health
  • Osteofit

Les examens effectués

« Sport + Support »

“Sport + Support” is an institute staffed and equipped specifically for sport and rehabilitation. It is aimed at both people who want to improve their sporting performance and those who are looking for better solutions to their disability.

The centre offers active training or active therapy aimed at training strength, coordination, endurance, mobility and speed. Training makes it possible to manage day-to-day life more effectively, but also to optimise your sport-specific performance.

The high-quality, personalised supervision that forms “Sport + Support” is provided by a qualified sports teacher and a sports therapist. After an initial personal meeting and diagnosis, a realistic objective is set in collaboration with the various parties involved. Individual bespoke training is offered on this basis, always under the supervision and control of the therapist.

« Rückenfit » – A healthy back

Back pain has become a common illness in our sedentary society. It may stem from physical inactivity, poor posture, monotony and one-sided movements at work, and awkward working positions. There are many causes of back pain. With Rückenfit, you can take targeted action against your pain and do something good for your back.

This course offers exercises to improve mobility, and to strengthen and stretch joints and muscles. Rückenfit is an all-round programme that strengthens your back and therefore your whole body. The emphasis is on strengthening and toning the centre of the body, with positive repercussions for the whole body. Targeted exercises are performed to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, which are the natural antagonist muscles. Buttock and thigh muscles are also worked, as are those of the neck and shoulders.


Osteoporosis is a disease characterised by low bone mass and deterioration in the microarchitecture of bone tissue. As physical training plays an important role in building and maintaining bone mass and quality, the development of osteoporosis can be positively influenced by sport and physical activity.

Osteofit is a health workout designed to prevent and minimise the progression of osteoporosis. The content is comparable to that of Rückenfit and is adapted to each course.

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