Smoker's examination - Gesondheetszentrum [access-links]
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Smoker’s examination

This assessment, combined with a general medical check-up, is intended for anyone who smokes or who stopped smoking less than 15 years ago.

This assessment is carried out in addition to a general medical check-up.

Les examens effectués

Medico-technical examinations

    • Low-dose chest CT (without iodine injection) if indicated

Medical consultation by an ENT specialist/pneumologist

    • Clinical examination
    • Personal and family history

Support for smoking cessation

We will provide you with a detailed report containing all the results of the examinations and individual medical recommendations.


Les autres bilans complémentaires
Vous voulez faire un check-up complet ?
Complete the questionnaire

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Make an appointment

Quickly and easily to consult our specialists

Check-up and results

Receive a full, detailed check-up of your state of health and personalised results

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