Cardiovascular check-up - Gesondheetszentrum [access-links]
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Cardiovascular check-up

Cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks and strokes, are increasingly common health problems worldwide and are among the leading causes of death.

It is important to note that preventive measures and advances in medical care help to reduce the frequency of cardiovascular events. Regular medical check-ups, a healthy lifestyle and controlling risk factors can help minimise the risk of cardiovascular disease.

This assessment is carried out in addition to a medical check-up.

Les examens effectués

Medico-technical examinations

    • Doppler ultrasound of the supra-aortic trunks with measurement of intima-media thickness to assess the risk of stroke and detect atherosclerotic plaque
    • Cardiac Doppler ultrasound and abdominal aortic ultrasound to detect heart failure and abnormal heart valve function, and to search for aortic aneurysms

In the event of a suspected problem:

  • Holter blood pressure suggested in cases of high blood pressure at rest or during exercise

Cardiovascular risk assessment using SCORE2 and life CVD model (U-Prevent)

We will provide you with a detailed report containing all the results of the examinations and individual medical recommendations.

Les autres bilans complémentaires
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