Dermatological check-up - Gesondheetszentrum [access-links]
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Dermatological check-up

Skin cancer is a generic term used to describe various malignant changes in the skin. A distinction is made between dark skin cancer (malignant melanoma) and light skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma). Every year, two to three million people worldwide develop light skin cancer and 130,000 develop a malignant melanoma. Skin cancer is therefore the most common type of cancer. Its incidence increases with age, but it can occur at any age. As survival rates for melanoma patients depend on the stage of the disease at diagnosis, early diagnosis is crucial to improving patient outcomes and saving lives.

This assessment is carried out in addition to a general medical check-up.

Les examens effectués

Consultation with the dermatologist including

  • Personal and family history
  • Information on sun protection measures
  • Instructions for self-observation

Medico-technical examinations

Automated Total Body Mapping (ATBM) and digital dermoscopy supported by Artificial Intelligence: Fotofinder. Body Mapping makes the early diagnosis of malignant melanoma, dysplastic nevi and malignant non-melanocytic skin tumours possible using artificial intelligence -assisted whole-body photography and morphological analysis. The Body Mapping machine was financed by the Fondation Hôpitaux Robert Schuman, purchased and deployed at the Hôpitaux Robert Schuman in June 2023. A Body Mapping machine has also been in operation at the GesonheetsZentrum since 2024.

We will provide you with a detailed report containing all the results of the examinations and individual medical recommendations.

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